Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Gut-Check Moment from God...

i've been doing ALOT of pouting lately...ALOT of crying & sulking...TONS of feeling sorry for myself. and rightfully so i might add...i'm going thru a freakin' crisis of sorts. i don't really want to get into the ugly details of my broken heart & shattered dreams...i will just leave that messy part to your imagination.

what i will share with you however is the HUGE reality gut-check moment God so graciously dumped in my lap today. for real, i got served. here's the deal...

i have been so bitter, so worn, so confused, so pissed, so sad, so out of it lately...i'm sure i've been more things, but those would be the main points. anyways, i've been a little brat...playing a pity party over & over & over in my head. having numerous "why me" moments & fearing that God might actually answer me with the ugly truth.

well, today it HIT a ton of bricks. how dare i spend my days feeling sad & worn & worthless. God LOVES me...Jesus DIED for me. He sacrificed His very own life, shed His precious blood so that i may have LIFE. & not any old life...a life full of JOY. who am i to spit in the face of God & act so childish & petty. so i've hit a bump in the road...a hurdle to get over...a mountain to climb. i will make it to the top...nothing can stop me but myself. & to be quite honest, i am my own worst enemy. i will be challenged in this endeavor, but i will be strong & i will face this struggle with power & dignity. i owe that much to God & to myself.

i humbly asked God, how will i accomplish this feat...what can i do to really make it thru? i feel alone & small & weak. how will things ever be ok again? He answered me, "Lisa my child, you don't have to do anything. Take care of yourself, take care of your children, and leave the rest to me."  how thankful i am for my amazing Heavenly Father. without Him, i would never make it.

Monday, June 3, 2013

School's Out...Summer is Here!!!

i love the final days of the school year, seems a little more laid-back & full of so many FUN things for the kids. i'm a little behind on sharing, but we definitely had lots of fun stuff going on, lots of good memories being made. track meets, banquets, awards assembly, graduations...
Logan in the relay races

Logan & his friends
 Devin received his "Greenhand Degree" in FFA...

isn't he HANDSOME???

Jocelyn got the "Diamond Pride Award" for proud of her too!!!

& Devin's best friend, Hunter, graduated...we will definitely be missing him next year!!!

super glad that it's SummerBreak. we can slow things down a bit & not feel so stinkin' rushed for awhile, FINALLY. i do want to say how PROUD of my kiddos i am...they each had passing grades & have been promoted to the next level =) so i now have a soon to be Sophomore (crazy...), 4th grader, & 3rd grader. time sure is flying right by...way too fast if you ask me!

now we are gonna relax & enjoy our SUMMER & make the best memories & FUN as possible. i hope everyone out there has a GREAT summer as well!! enjoy =)

About Me

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i'm loving being a MOMMY...couldn't ask for more in life, i have it all!!! i'm a proud mother of 3 amazing kids & this is a blog of our life, our journey as we strive to make the most of all the blessings we've been given...our little life, full of big, big love!!!
