Tuesday, May 31, 2011

9 Hours @ the Ballfield & What Do You Get???

Logan showing off his medal

we spent this past saturday, ALL DAY, at the ballfield for logan's T-ball tournament.  we had to be there by 8:30am, needless to say we were up & at it EARLY on saturday morning.  logan was pumped & ready to get some big hits, or as he says, "jack it to the fence."  he did a great job batting & playing 1st base, he's definitely gonna be a baseball star, just like his big brother!!  (oh yeah, big brother devin had a game to play in stilwell, so we had to miss his game.  had to send him w/ another teammate...he WON by the way!!)  logan's games started at 9am & well, after several hours of sweat, gatorade, & determination, he finally got to walk away with a 3rd place medal.  as we were walking to the car, i thought to myself, "9 hours at the ballfield & this is what we leave with...a 3rd place medal & a sunburn..."  logan sure was PROUD of that bronze medal though & i was PROUD of him!!!

Logan Nathanael Weese

Derek & Logan

Sallisaw All-Stars T-ball Team...Memorial Weekend Tournament 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

a little pink cross...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above."
James 1:17

Every morning when i get jocelyn ready for her day & every night as i'm getting her ready for bed i see this verse...reminding me how perfect and good this little princess truly is.  you see, right beside jocelyn's changing table where i tend to all her diapering & dressing needs, i have hung this little pink cross which bears that sweet sweet verse.  my mother-in-law actually found that cross at a yardsale.  knowing that it was a perfect fit for joce's room decor, she bought it for me.  when she 1st gave it to me, i thought, how cute...& hung it in joce's room not thinking twice about it.  but as time went by & the frustrations of dealing with joce's Angelman Syndrome grew & grew...well, i think God used that little pink cross to speak directly at me.  "Every good and perfect gift is from above."  i guess i needed to be reminded that God doesn't make mistakes, He didn't give me a defective child...He gave me His handiwork that He created PERFECTLY. 

i struggle each & everyday with difficulties that arise from Angelman Syndrome.  sometimes i even feel like God can't stand me.  i wonder what He was thinking by making my life so difficult.  every morning just getting jocelyn dressed & ready for her day can be almost over-whelming & the stress just sets right in.  i begin to feel angry & sad & ready to say "forget this" & just walk away from it all...& then i see that little pink cross & read that special verse & suddenly i'm reminded that jocelyn came straight from God, therefore, she must be perfect & good.  all of His creations are perfect.  i can't help but believe that God led my mother-in-law to that little pink cross at that yardsale because He knew how much i needed to see it at the beginning of each day...God truly works in amazing ways!!

how lucky i am to have a relationship with God that allows me to feel sadness or even anger & ask Him why it has to be this way & He will actually speak to me.  He speaks to me in many ways, but today i just felt the need to share how He speaks to me everyday thru that little pink cross in joce's room.  especially after the rough day i had yesterday...trying to take her to logan's T-ball tournament.  needless to say, it was AWFUL!!  it's moments like those, where she's screaming & crying & downright miserable at a tournament, a place where many other families are there having a great time together, again i am reminded that joce is different.  that my life has to be different & challenging just because of her stupid Angelman Syndrome...so yesterday i had a pity party for myself...because i'm only human & sometimes i feel hurt.  but when i got home & got my little princess ready for bed, i looked to the little pink cross w/ my daily reminder that she is PERFECT just the way she is...& for that moment, as i read that verse, life didn't feel so bad after all.  i LOVE you jocelyn abigail weese...more than you will ever know!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Logan's Thoughts on MOM...

i asked logan several questions about myself...just to see what his "Thoughts on Mom" would be.  this is his answers:

1.  What is something mom always says to you?
     Clean your room

2.  What makes mom happy?
     When i pick flowers for her, but not her tulips.  (i LOVE this answer, because last year i was so excited when my tulips, my FAVE flowers, finally came up...then logan surprised me one afternoon by picking ALL OF THEM for me...i wasn't too happy about that)

3.  What makes mom sad?
     Sad movies cause she cries

4.  How does your mom make you laugh?
     She tickles me sometimes

5.  What was your mom like as a child?
     I think she liked to watch TV alot

6.  How old is your mom?
     36   (got that one right...of course, he asks me all the time & yes, i'm honest...LOL!!!)

7.  How tall is your mom?
     10 feet tall

8.  What is your mom's favorite thing to do?
     Read a book  (i love that my son truly watches what i do...i hope my reading sets a great example for him...)

9.  What does your mom do when you're not around?
     She does dishes and her workout videos and then she buys jocelyn clothes & stuff  (this answer kinda made me sad, i mean, does he seriously think i always buy jocelyn stuff & not him or devin...i try to keep it pretty equal, maybe i need to work harder on that)

10.   If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
      Cause she's real smart and she makes good cinnamon rolls

11.   What is your mom really good at?

12.  What is your mom not very good at?
     Shooting guns  (ok, i found this to be a very odd answer...however, i'm sure he's absolutely correct!!!)

13.  What does your mom do for a job?
     She waters her flowers  (WOW!!!  shocked to find out that's what he thinks my "job" is...sure wish i got tons of $$$ every time i watered those things though, that would be nice)

14.  What is your mom's favorite food?
      Taco Cabana  (not sure where that answer came from...but they do have good stuff!!!)

15.  What makes you proud of your mom?
     When she gets me presents

16.  If your mom was a cartoon character, what would she be?
     The girl smurf cause she watched that when she was little & she lets me watch it on youtube now

17.  What do you & your mom do together?

18.  How are you & your mom the SAME?
     The same skin

19.  How are you & your mom DIFFERENT?
     Our haircuts

20.  Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
     Hobby Lobby  (this sweet child knows me too well...)

21.  How do you know your mom loves you?
     She gives me hugs

22.  What does your mom like the most about your dad?
     He goes outside to smoke cigarettes cause he can't smoke in the house  (that's kind of a sad answer...i mean, i do appreciate that outta john; however, that is NOT the thing i like the most...LOL!!!)


i had fun asking logan these questions & waiting for each response.  it's amazing how the mind of a child works & how they actually see the world they're in.  they're definitely watching each & everything we do...therefore, make sure you're setting the best example possible for them, leading them in the right direction to prepare them for the best possible future. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Logan's a Kindergarten Graduate

It's official...Logan has graduated Kindergarten!!

I could not have been more proud & sad all at the same time.  Sitting there in the crowd, watching my BABY on that stage, singing sweet little songs & telling everyone the sounds of the alphabet...all i could think about was, this is my BABY...my youngest, graduating kindergarten today.  i have no one behind him that's gonna get to do this someday.  this is really it, it's over for me.  as they showed the class slide-show full of pictures of all the fun things they've done thruout the year i did the best i could to hold back the tears.  i'm not sure why those things are so emotional, i mean, it's full of FUN pictures...lots of smiles, there's not one sad thing about that slide-show...i honestly believe it's the music they have playing along w/ it.  that's where all those emotions come from.  well, i managed to hold back my tears enough that i wasn't a complete mess.  it was a very cute program & all the graduates were as cute as could be...they were all so TINY.  it really hit me as the slide-show ended, the final thing showing was this:

"Class of 2023"

Wow!!!  that seems so far away, but i'm sure it will be here before i know it.  these past 6 years have flown by at such a fast pace...from a sweet, tiny baby boy, logan has grown a little bigger & a little smarter each year.  his personality has blossomed & i'm amazed at the love he has in his heart.  this past school year i have witnessed him learn to read, to recognize money, learn how to use the computer, do simple math, learn some about basketball & baseball & i am SO SO PROUD of him!!! 

i would like to share some photos from the graduation...what a memorable day that will always be for me!!!

Logan w/ his teacher Mrs. Roberts...we will miss her!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Definition of Mother = TIME

Today is Mother's Day. I've thought alot about what it really means to be a MOTHER.  I've decided that the most important feature mother's must make sure they have is TIME.

that's right...time.  so many moms these days seem to be in a hurry.  & lots of times we have to be, but when i say TIME i mean seriously devoting your time & effort to the children you brought into this world.  the most important gift you can give to your child is your time.

we are not guaranteed a certain # of days here on this earth.  you never know when someone's day will be their last...cherish each & every moment spent w/ your child.  be a MOTHER, be creative, be young-minded...that's all a child truly wants & needs.  children are simple & our TIME is worth more than anything money could ever buy. 

jocelyn having angelman syndrome has really put life in perspective for me.  we can get so wrapped up in extracurricular activities, sports, church callings, our TV programs, work, spending time w/ friends & extended family that we almost forget the people living right within our own walls need more TIME with mom or dad.  life passes by too fast & it's easy to let the small things slip away.  i have learned from jocelyn that i don't need to buy her one thing, all she wants from me is TIME.  i am grateful that i can give that to my children...my time.  you can never get yesterday back, so today tell your children how much you love them & hug them a little bit longer...spend more TIME with them. 

i hope every mom out there has a wonderful day today & gets to spend their special day with their loved ones...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY BEAUTIFUL MOMS!!!

About Me

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i'm loving being a MOMMY...couldn't ask for more in life, i have it all!!! i'm a proud mother of 3 amazing kids & this is a blog of our life, our journey as we strive to make the most of all the blessings we've been given...our little life, full of big, big love!!!
